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In recent years, insurance companies have become more vigilant about the condition of homeowners’ roofs. They’re now using advanced technology, like drones and satellite imagery, to identify roof issues that might increase risk in the Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. If problems are found, policyholders may face higher premiums or even have their policies canceled. Although insurance companies are looking for multiple issues, the most common thing they are looking at is homeowner’s roofs. Often it may be something as simple as discoloration or streaking that may raise a red flag as a determination of a roof’s condition. At Knox Roofing in Scotts Valley, CA, we’re here to help you understand how your roof could be affected and what you can do to avoid this situation.

Drone Inspection in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties

Can Your Roof Pass a Drone Insurance Inspection?

Insurance companies are increasing the use of drones and satellite imagery to inspect roofs in Scotts Valley, Santa Cruz County, and Monterey County. They can use their findings to determine if they want to approve a roof insurance claim or renew or cancel an insurance policy. They can also decide to discontinue your coverage if their surveillance detects roof damage or issues. If your roof insurance policy is canceled, it can be hard to find a replacement policy. Some of the key reasons for cancellation include:

  • Age: Roofs that are older than 20-25 years or more may be considered too old for coverage, especially if it hasn’t been properly maintained.
  • Conditions: Signs of damage or deterioration, like pest or animal activity, mold, moss, rot, missing shingles, black streaks, pools of water, and sagging roof lines.
  • Safety: Roofs that were constructed poorly or with outdated material or lack proper structural support, may cause your insurance company to cancel or deny renewal of coverage.
  • Maintenance: Obvious neglect of roofing maintenance, such as roofs that have large overhanging trees or branches, signs of animal nests, or large amounts of debris on the roof.
  • Drainage Issues: Poor drainage from the roof, such as damaged gutters or flashing, missing or damaged downspouts.
  • Inaccurate Information: Signs that the information provided to your insurance company at the time you obtained your policy or filed a claim was inaccurate or a lie.
  • Too Many Claims: Filing multiple claims for roof damage in a short period of time.
Roof Damage Replacement in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties

How Can I Avoid Roof Insurance Policy Cancellation?

The best way to protect yourself from your roofing policy being canceled due to a surprise insurance inspection is to be proactive about roof maintenance and roof repairs. Here are our tips for protecting your roof and reducing your risk of major roof damage or deterioration:

  • Schedule annual or seasonal inspections with a qualified roofing contractor.
  • Get problems fixed right away before they get bigger and more complicated.
  • Make sure the materials used for roofing repairs are durable, high-quality, and designed for your climate.
  • Consider using roofing materials that last longer than standard shingle roofs, like metal, clay, or tile. An insurance company may charge a higher premium to insure a shingle roof, especially if it’s older.
  • If roofing repairs are extensive, complex, or will cost almost as much as a new roof, you can save money and avoid stress by getting a roof replacement instead of repairs.
Roofing Inspection in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties
  • Why You Should Act Now
  • If an insurance company cancels your policy due to roof issues, it can be difficult and expensive to find new coverage. Specialty insurers may offer policies for high-risk homeowners, but these tend to come with higher premiums. By staying on top of roof maintenance and addressing any issues early, you can avoid the headache and cost of policy cancellations.
  • Roof Damage and Replacement
  • If matching shingles can’t be found to repair damaged areas of your roof due to materials being discontinued or not being available from the manufacturer, insurance companies may be liable to replace the complete roof. Insurance companies are obligated to replace damage with “like” materials that closely resemble your existing ones. Knox Roofing can help with roof inspections and negotiations with your insurance company to substantiate your case.

Insurance Negotiations in Santa Cruz & Monterey Counties

Insurance for roofing can save you a lot of money if you need roof repairs or replacement. However, you may end up spending weeks or even months fighting with your roofing insurance company about accepting your claim or negotiating how much money they will pay out. The process can be time-consuming, stressful, and overwhelming.

At Knox Roofing, we understand how frustrating it is to deal with insurance negotiations. We believe that when you want to use your insurance for roofing restoration or replacement, it shouldn’t be that difficult. That’s why we offer assistance with roofing insurance negotiations in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties. Let us take the guesswork and stress out of getting your insurance company to pay out your claim so you can get the residential roofing services you need.

Common Problems When Negotiating Roof Insurance Claims

Your insurance company may push back when you file a claim for roof damage. Most insurance adjusters are paid to try to find loopholes or problems with your policy that will help them avoid paying out your claim. Here are some of the most common problems homeowners encounter when negotiating roof insurance claims:

  • A lack of history of preventive roofing maintenance.
  • The age of your roof. If your roof is over 15 years old, your insurance company may reject your claim for roof damage repairs.
  • Your roof is still under warranty coverage.
  • The roof damage is only an aesthetic issue, not a structural one.
  • There is pre-existing damage that existed before the date of your insurance claim.
  • If you have improper roof installation or substandard roofing materials, or a licensed roofing contractor did not perform installation and repairs, your insurance company may deny your claim.
  • The claim wasn’t filed in the correct time frame.
  • Your policy does not cover the type of damage sustained.

Why Hire an Expert for Roofing Insurance Negotiations?

In some cases, roofing insurance companies will work hard to find loopholes you might not even know existed. You can do everything right and still have your claim denied if your roofing insurance company claims there is an exclusion in your policy, a problem with payment of your premiums, or an issue with the date the claim was filed. It’s very hard for a homeowner with no knowledge of how insurance companies work to know how to approach insurance negotiations.

Our experts have years of experience handling insurance negotiations and have worked with all major roofing insurance companies in the U.S. We know the tricks insurance companies use, the lingo, and the common reasons they deny roof damage claims. We can offer firm, informed negotiations on your behalf and will do everything possible to ensure your insurance company accepts your claim and provides a full payout.

Tips for Filing a Rock-Solid Roofing Insurance Claim

What do residential roofing insurance companies look for when handling roofing insurance claims? How can you make sure that you avoid common roof insurance claim issues? Roof insurance adjusters look for shingle damage, mold and mildew growth, pre-existing damage, signs of lack of maintenance, and signs that your roof is too old to justify a payout for roofing repairs. Here are our tips for filing a rock-solid roofing insurance claim:

  • Make sure the roof damage is a covered expense, as outlined in your roof insurance policy.
  • Don’t file a claim if the cost of roof repairs is lower than the amount of your deductible.
  • Gather all documentation regarding the date of installation, the contract with your roofing contractor, the materials used, and all roofing inspections, maintenance, and repairs that have been done since.
  • Make sure your roof isn’t still under warranty.
  • Confirm that your roof isn’t too old to justify roofing repairs.
  • Immediately document all roofing damage as it occurs, preferably with photos and videos.
  • Schedule a roof inspection as soon as your roof sustains damage and ask for a detailed damage report.
  • Work with a reputable, licensed roofing contractor.
  • File a timely claim with all necessary documentation attached.
  • Keep records of all correspondence with your roofing company, including phone calls, emails, and letters.

Our Roofing Insurance Negotiation Services

At Knox Roofing, we’re very aware of roofing insurance companies’ tactics when they try to deny insurance claims. We have a lot of experience having tough conversations with insurance companies and remaining firm, polite, and persistent. When you work with us, we will:

  • Perform a comprehensive roofing inspection and provide a detailed roof damage report.
  • Gather all documentation needed to supplement your insurance claim.
  • File an insurance claim on your behalf or file any necessary supplemental claims.
  • Handle an insurance claim appeal on your behalf.
  • Be firm and persistent in our follow-ups to get your insurance claim handled quickly and fairly.
  • Negotiate the settlement you deserve.

Our Other Services

In addition to providing assistance with roofing insurance negotiations, we also offer comprehensive residential and commercial roofing services in the Santa Cruz, Monterey, Carmel, and Los Gatos areas. We have over 40 years of experience and specialize in roofing inspections, roofing repairs, and roof replacement services:

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